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Barrel Mech Pop Up Spitter

This inconspicuous barrel has a big surprise for anyone who gets too close!  When the mech is triggered a ghoulish head shoots upward two feet and spits water and air at your guests.   The barrel is 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide, when the...
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Hanging Prisoner Mech

This gory mech hangs up side down by its chained feet.  The life sized dummy is nearly 7 feet long with its arms dangling above its head.  While eerie on its own, when hooked up to an air compressor this prop comes takes it to the next level by...
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Zombie Drop Mech

Zombie Drop Mech   This awesome dropping mechanism allows you to drop a hungry, undead fiend on your unsuspecting guests! The prop will immediately re-set itself for the next victim. Designed to fit over a standard haunted house wall or simply...
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Halloween Props

Halloween Props